CHALLENGE & FIGHTER (Short distances)
Resultatlisten finder I her, hvor den løbende vil blive opdateret.
Holdnumrene er som følger:
101-> Challenge U21
201-> Challenge
301-> Challenge Forsvarets mesterskab
401-> Fighter
501-> Fighter Forsvarets mesterskab
Desuden vil der komme opdateringer på facebooksiden:
During NACS 2021 we will do our best to give you options to follow the race live via GPS tracking and Live streaming + broadcasting.
All Master teams will carry GPS tracker and you will be able to follow their position as they progress on this website:
In addition, we have installed cameras in selected spots along the race course that will broadcast live on the internet.
You will be able to follow activities on these cameras in 4 different ways.
- Team briefing. We will broadcast the official team briefings via our YouTube channel. Please see links below.
- Live by clicking in on each individual camera – so you can see your favorite team when they pass a camera.
- Via one of our many YouTube channels
– Our secondary YouTube channels will be passively following further back behind the leading teams.
– Our lead YouTube channel will attempt to the lead teams and at times we will be speaking on this channel.
4. Reviews
– During the starting sequence and the first few hours of the race we will follow the race activities with several active cameras and live speaking.
– Thursday at 20:00 and Friday at 20.00 we will make a review and update broadcast.
– In addition, we will make a broadcast of the as the winning team approaches the finish Saturday morning. This will be followed up with interviews and comments. The timing of this last broadcast will be announced later when we have a better idea of the winning time.
Our YouTube streams will typically be of approx. 12 hours length. This means you will find many YouTube streams from us during the event.
We will try to update you with links to all cameras and YouTube streams on this website:
You can also find our YouTube streams by searching for “Silkeborg OK aLive” on
Be aware: Our broadcast team is a very small team, so please bear with us. We are doing our best with the limited resources we have.