NACS follows DARUs standard rules (link rettes til https://www.ar-union.dk/files/Standardregler_ENG.pdf ) and the ARES rules (link http://www.areuroseries.com/rules/)
Be aware of the mandatory equipment list on this site.
More info regarding rules will be available in the information letter that is send to all participants shortly before the race.
Teams consist of 4 team members, male, female or mix.
To be eligible for EuroChamp title the team must be a mixed team with both male and female participants.
At least 3/4 members of the team must be of the same European nationality, which the team will represent. Europe is defined by the International Olympic Commitee as belonging to the European continent. (www.eurolympic.org/enocs)
Male and female teams can take part in YACS but will not be eligible for European titles.
All teams will do the same course on same conditions.
All teams gather points for the Danish DARU Masters cup
It is possible to register a team with missing names, if your entire team is not named yet. Names are required no later than August 21st.
Tilmeldingsgebyret refunderes ikke. Det er tilladt at sælge sit startnummer. Løbsarrangøren laver en venteliste for at hjælpe med kontakten mellem hold, der ønsker at sælge og hold, der ønsker at købe startnummer. Ved skriftligt afbud på mail til løbsarrangøren inden 18. juni 2021 refunderes 50% af deltagergebyret. Kontakt info@yacs.dk.
Særligt pga Covid-19: Vi følger gældende retningslinjer og tilpasser løbet derefter. Ved aflysning fra arrangørens side refunderes tilmeldingsgebyret. Tilmeldingsgebyret refunderes ligeledes, hvis et hold ikke har mulighed for at deltage fordi mindst halvdelen af holdet bor i et land eller en region, hvorfra der ikke må rejses til Danmark / startstedet. Dette gælder kun rejseforbud og ikke hvis holdet er smittet / har været i kontakt med en smittet eller fordi der skal gennemgås en karantæneperiode ved hjemkomst til eget land/region.
Vær opmærksom på at DARU licensen er personlig og derfor skal tegnes af alle deltagere (Fighter undtaget). DARU licenser betegnes som ibrugtaget fra købsdato og refunderes ikke uanset deltagelse (DARU refunderer dog licensen til udenlandske hold, der udelukkende deltager i NACS)
Normal refund policy: Registration fee is nonrefundable. Selling the entry is allowed. The organizers will create a waiting list to help contact between teams that want to buy and sell. 50% of the registration fee will be refunded by written annulation by email to the organizers before 18th of June 2021. Contact info@yacs.dk.
Covid 19 special terms: The race will follow local Covid restrictions. Full refund will be available in case of cancellation by the organizers. Full refund will also be available if a team is unable to participate due to travel restrictions involving more than 50% of the team. This means that the team is unable to travel to Denmark / Silkeborg. This only applies to travel restrictions and not due to Covid infection or contact to Covid infected people, or due to quarantine needed in Denmark or when returning to home.